If you need assistance with recovering a wounded animal within 60 miles of Griffin, Ga give me a call at 770-468-5459. If
i do not answer please leave a message I will get back in touch as soon as I can. Due to the ever increasing fuel cost I
will be charging $1.25 a mile one way with a minimum of $30 to show up and another $20 when and if the animal is
recovered. My availability depends on my work schedule and my on-call schedule. I have traveled further but again it
just depends on my work. I am off most Mondays so I am available to travel and track most any Monday. Most of Lamar,
all of Pike and all of Spalding county are within the minimum fees range.
Two WMA's are close enough to track at if I am off call. Charlie Elliott is approximately 50 miles from the house, so it
would be about $62.50 to show up and another $20 when and if the animal is found. Joe Kurz is 24 miles away so the
minimum fee of $30 would apply to show up and another $20 when and if the animal is found.
At this time I have only tracked deer but I am looking forward to my first hog tracking job and possibly a bear if the
chance arises.
2004 Tracking Stats
19 Tracking jobs
2 were tracked and determined to be alive. The deer
were visually spotted moving out in front of us with
little or no indication of slowing down.
1 Was tracked as far as we could go. We hit a
property line and had to stop since we did not have
permission to go onto that
2 Were tracked to the river and crossed onto
government property were we were not allowed to
track on.
6 no finds 1 of which was a complete miss. Only 1 no
find may have been recoverable but I made the
mistake of pulling the dog off too soon. No blood and
I though she was going in the wrong direction.
Inexperience on my part caused us to loose this deer.
Update on the deer above I spoke to the hunter
this year 2006 he stated that the deer was spotted 2
weeks later with a wound in the front of the chest
8 Finds total
2005 Tracking Stats
13 tracking jobs
3 finds of which only 1 was were the dog was truly
1 no find was just to make sure the hunter only grazed
the deer. He had a small amount of white hair on the
ground and wanted to make sure the deer did not
start bleeding after several hundred yards and this is
why the dog was called in.
1 was a brisket hit deer no find
1 was an bow shot and the arrow struck the shoulder
and only got 12" of penetration and the expandable
did not open.
1 was a gun shot to the shoulder and the deer only
bleed a drop or two were it laid down.
1 was a deer shot with an arrow and the only blood
was found 250 yards from where the deer was shot.
5 other no finds including 2 that crossed onto property
that we did not have permission to go on.
Baby tracked very well this year even though we had
many no finds. A lot of hard old long tracks this year.
We only had one track under 250 yards with the
others over 3/4 mile or longer with most being over 1
1/4 miles long. The longest track we had was the
recovery of the leg shot deer to the left and that was
2.02 miles
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Hillock Kennels
Williamson Ga 30292 770-468-5459 Contact Ken Parker
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Status , Tracking Services , Training , 2004 Tracking stories , 2005 tracking stories ,
Web site created and maintained by Ken.
Last updated 7-01-06