2004 blood tracking pictures
This is most of Baby's finds from the first full year of tracking except for some does that were shot by family.
Jack Brown with his first deer.
Baby's first find for a client.
Steve Baron, Baby, and Ken with Steve's 10 pointer
Hillock Kennels
Williamson Ga 30292 770-468-5459 Contact Ken Parker
Home , Ken's Bio , BMH's from around the U.S. , Breeding , Health Guarantee , Links , Our Dogs, Puppy
pages Status , Tracking Services , Training , 2004 Tracking stories , 2005 tracking stories , 2006 tracking
2007 tracking stories
Web site created and maintained by Ken.
Last updated 4-08-06
2004 Tracking Stats
19 Tracking jobs
2 were tracked and determined to be alive. The deer
were visually spotted moving out in front of us with
little or no indication of slowing down.
1 Was tracked as far as we could go. We hit a
property line and had to stop since we did not have
permission to go onto that
2 Were tracked to the river and crossed onto
government property were we were not allowed to
track on.
6 no finds 1 of which was a complete miss. Only 1 no
find may have been recoverable but I made the
mistake of pulling the dog off too soon. No blood and
I though she was going in the wrong direction.
Inexperience on my part caused us to loose this deer.
Update on the deer above I spoke to the hunter
this year 2006 he stated that the deer was spotted 2
weeks later with a wound in the front of the chest
8 Finds total
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