Bavarian Mountain Hounds from around the United States
Pictures will be updated when new ones are received. Pictures are listed by name, home state/town, and approx.. Age
and the year when the picture was taken. If you own a Bavarian Mountain Hound and are located in the United States I
would like a picture to post on here for others to see.
Sissy, Michigan approx.. 6 months in 2004
Blondie, Jacksonville Al. 21 months as of Jan 2005
Vars-Miami,Fl 2005 2 1/2 yrs old
Blondie 3yrs old May 2006 half sister to Vars
and Baby.
Auriga also know as Riga- Chatam,La 16 Weeks
Acamar also know as Cooper - Albany,NY 8 weeks 2005
Little Elza-Tilden,Texas 1yr old 2005
Tiger Jacksonville, Al 7 yrs old May 2006
Salvina originally from Germany is called Salli by her
owner Drew. Salli is 10 months old in the picture and is
located in Madison Mississippi.
Desiree , Texas 5 years old as of April 10, 06
Drake, From South Carolina, age about 1 year.
Drake was lost to his owner June 06 when he
was hit by a car.
Hillock Kennels
Williamson Ga 30292 770-468-5459 Contact Ken Parker
Hillock Kennels is a proud member of these organizations.
Club for Bavarian Mountain Blood Hounds
Web site created and maintained by Ken.
Last updated 8-06-11
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